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Understanding Your Prescription

Right Eye (OD)

  • OD stands for "oculus dexter," which is Latin for "right eye."
  • Sphere (SPH)/Power (PWR): This indicates the strength of your prescription. A minus (-) value signifies nearsightedness, while a plus (+) value signifies farsightedness.
  • Axis: This is relevant only for those with astigmatism. The axis, a number between 0 and 180, determines the orientation of the Cylinder (CYL).

Left Eye (OS)

  • ⁠OS stands for "oculus sinister," which is Latin for "left eye."
  • Cylinder (CYL): This is also for those with astigmatism, where one part of the eye needs more correction than the rest. The Cylinder value is written with a minus (-) sign.